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  用My View On Fake Commodity改写Brain Drain

  Brain Drain

  Brain drain is a delicate problem with which our country is confronted. In the last ten years or so, a lot of scientists and technicians have swarmed into developed countries for further studies or research work, let alone numerous promising students. And there are no indications that they will be back home before long. Our country has paid the expenses of training them but lost them. How did that come about?

  It is self-evident that their delay of coming back is due to those favorable working and living conditions which are essential to research work. Sophisticated equipment makes it easier for one to gain academic achievements. Our competent scientists abroad are offered higher rewards and greater opportunities which contribute to their success in career.

  It seems that it isn't impossible to solve the problem and attract the scientists and the like back home so long as great importance is attached to the intellectual's deserving treatment and effective measures are taken to provide them with excellent pay and agreeable conditions.


  My View on Brain Drain

  The prevalence of brain drain has been a big problem in our society. Almost every day in newspapers carry articles pertaining to brain drain . Although measures have been implemented to deal with this problem, it still remains a serious threat.

  A multitude of factors, both individual and social contribute to brain drain. For one thing, a large of scientists and technicians have swarmed into developed countries for favorable living and working conditions which are essential to research and work. Sophisticated equipment also makes it easier to gain academia achievements. For another, a great many top universities in developed countries offer higher rewards and greater opportunities which contribute to their success in career.

  个人和社会现象individual and social、生理和心理physical and psychological、学术和职业personal/academic and professional两个方面来阐述

  There are several ways to address this problem. Rules and regulations should be implemented to control. At the same time, people with outstanding academic perfoming should be educated to gain their willness of coming back. With tough laws and an educated public, brain drain will become a thing of the past.

  [讲义] 15.A +{Number\multitude}+ of factors, both + {physical and psychological\academic and professional\individual and social} + {affect\influence\contribute to\ promote},….

  less developed country 发展中国家

  least developed country 穷国