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  Chinese families place a great premium on their children’s education. The majority of parents hold that they should work hard to ensure that their children can get a good education. Not only are they willing to invest in children’s education, but also they spend plenty of time urging them to learn. Meanwhile, most of them want their children to go to prestigious universities. Due to the reform and opening up, an increasingly number of parents can send their children to study abroad or participate the international exchange programs to broaden their horizons. Through these efforts, they anticipate that their children can grow up healthily and make contributions to the development and prosperity of our nation.



  1. 十分重视 place great premium on; pay more attention to;attach great importance to

  2. 尽力事情 work hard; endeavor to work

  3. 名牌大学 a prestigious university; a famous university

  4. 改良开放 reform and opening up

  5. 国际交换项目 international exchange programs

  6. 拓宽视野 broaden one’s horizon

  7. 国度的成长和繁荣 the development and prosperity of the nation



  1. 很多怙恃认为应该尽力事情,确保孩子受到精采的教诲。

  ◆ 该句后者为前者的目标,所以各人翻译时需要浮现出这一目标。

  2. 他们不只很是情愿为孩子的教诲投资,并且花许多时间督促他们进修。

  ◆ 该句中的“不只......并且......”各人可以回收牢靠用法“not only......but also......”。Not only放在句首时,需要回收倒装形式。

  3. 由于改良开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到海外进修或介入国际交换项目,让其拓宽视野。通过这些尽力,他们期望孩子康健生长,为国度的成长和繁荣做出孝敬。

  ◆ 本句话中,要浮现“由于改良开放”和之后家长们行为之间的因果干系,所以要用

  相关因果词举办凸显,好比 thanks to; due to; because of 等。再者就是“通过这些尽力”是对上文的总结,各人需要浮现出来。