一、 常见写作错误 :断句错误、垂悬成分(指非谓语动词短语作状语时,其逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致)
2、抽象名词的使用:很多抽象名词包含动态意义,如:laughter,work,permission,protection 等等,正是这个特点,让抽象名词成为动词的最佳替代品
3、 形容词的动态含义:利用形容词的动态含义来减少动词使用频率
三、 修辞手法(要善于利用修辞手法)
There is a trend of globalization ,English becomes a effective communication.College students now concern more about how to improve their English. Students' secrets are as follows.
2、用抽象名词代替improve , 以减少动词的使用频率
As we know,"Practice makes perfect" . Some students try to study diligently and they really make progress in english . Others turn to entertainment for help,they watch English movies and make an all-out effort to learn english songs. Still others who like making friends, make regular appointments with their foreign friends for a chat . a dinner or a party.
1、蓝色粗体句中有三个动词,试只用"contribute to" 一个动词词组,以减少动词的使用
As for me , I prefer the third way. Two ingredients could account for my choice. It is primarily becaouse there is no better way to learn idiomatic english than communicating with native english speakers. Moreover, it is owing to my sociable personality , liking making different kinds of friends.
With the trend of globalization,English becomes a effective communication.College students now concern more about the improvement of their English. Students' secrets are as follows.
As we know,"Practice makes perfect" . Diligent study contributes to some students' progress in english . Others turn to entertainment for help, watching English movies and makeing an all-out effort to learn english songs. Still some sociable students make regular appointments with their foreign friends for a chat . a dinner or a party.
As for me , I prefer the third way. Two ingredients could account for my choice. It is primarily becaouse there is no better way to learn idiomatic english than communicating with native english speakers. Moreover, it is owing to my sociable and friendly personality , that is, I like making different kinds of friends.