(In the past) our own blocks of flats have been associated with the lower-income groups and they have lacked the obvious provisions, (such as central heating, constant hot water supply, electrically operated lifts from top to bottom, and so on, as well as such details important notwithstanding(然而), as easy facilities for disposal of dust and rubbish and storage places for baby carriages on the ground floor, playgrounds for children on the top of the buildings, and drying grounds for washing.)
A breakthrough(突破)(in the provision of energy from the sun for the European Economic Community(EEC) )could be brought forward (by up to two decades), (if a modest increase could be provided in the EEC’s research effort in this field), (according to senior EEC scientists engaged in experiments in solar energy at EEC’s scientific laboratories at Ispra, near Milan.)
扩大视幅:指得是一次看好几个词,甚至是我们说的一目十行。在进行快速阅读时,好的读者的视线不是顺着字行逐个词地移动,而应是按照意群跳跃式地前进,从一组单词跳向另一组单词。例如,读“Before the nineteenth century, scientists with an interest in the sea were few and far between.”这句话时,一位差的阅读者可能会一个字一个字地阅读,不仅阅读速度慢,而且理解也容易出现问题。而好的阅读者或母语是英语的大多数读者会把句子切分成不同的意群:“Before the nineteenth century, /scientists/ with an interest in the sea/were /few and far between. ”阅读速度不仅快些,而且更容易为大脑所感知。为了提高阅读速度,大家要有意识的扩大视幅。本书所配的录音,为英美教学专家朗读,他们在朗读时,基本上是按照意群停顿,因而更有利于培养大家扩大视幅的意识,从而养成良好的阅读习惯。除此之外,在各种语言中,都有一定的冗余度,在每一个意群内部,并不是每一个单词、每一个短语都传达了等量的信息,有的单词只是结构符号,有的只传递帮助信息。如果略去这些冗余的单词,句子所表达的思想不会受多大的影响。例如: Hundreds (of species of) marine life manage (to) survive (even in the) darkest depths (of the) ocean. (These) tenants (of the deep have) evolved (some extremely ingenious) devices (for) locating (their) food (and) enemies. 括号中的词语,有的只具有语法功能,有的只传达次要信息,因而不注意或少注意这些词语,仍能基本了解该段文字的大意,并能提高阅读速度。