E.在阅读的过程中要给自己提问(Who?Where?When?What or what happened?&Why?)
According to the passage,it is…that…
The author describes…as…because…A chief factor in…is
A single word emptied Surat' s usually swarming streets last week. Ignoring public - health officials' frantic appeals to stay home, residents began escaping the slum- ridden city, about 175 kilometers north of Bombay, by any means at hand. Doctors identified the disease, which has already killed more than 100 inhabitants,as pneumonic plague. Bubonic plague, the disease's more common form, is carried by fleas from rats---animals considered sacred by many Indians. Bubonic plague ravaged Europe in the 14th century, making itself infamous as the Black Death, and killed nearly 12 million people in India between 1896 and 1936. The even more lethal pneumonic form can also travel directly from human to human, causing high fever, a bloody congh and often death without hours. As of late last week, relief workers said roughly 500,000 of Surat' s 2.5 million residents had already fled.
The mass exodus raised worries of a full - blown epidemic.Officials tried to cordon off the city, hoping to prevent people already infected with the disease from carrying it elsewhere--especially to crowded Bombay, just three hours away by train. But containing the public's growing sense of panic was beyond the powers of belated separations and emergency shipments of antibiotics. An outbreak of bubonic plague, Indian' s first encounter with that disease since 1966, hit the area of Bombay shortly before the pneumonic virus arrived in Surat. Late last
week officials declared the bubonic contagion under control. Of the few score people known to have contracted the disease, none had died. But the pneumonic killer remained on the loose.
1. Surat was a______
A)big and crowed city.
B)poor and densely populated city.
C) city with a long history of plague.
D)busy city with narrow streets.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A) The cause of bubonic plague.
B)The symptoms of pneumonic plague.
C)The measures taken by the officials.
D)The first time the plague hit India.
What's the subject of the passage?
The main idea(point)of the passage is______.
The suitable title for the passage might be_______.
Though they were not trained naturalists, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark in their explorations of North American in the early nineteenth century came across enough unfamiliar birds, mammals, and reptiles to fill a zoo. In keeping with president Jefferson's orders, they took careful note of 122 species and subspecies that were unknown to science and in many eases native only to the West. Clark make sketches of any particularly intriguing creature. He and lewis also collected animal hides and horns and skins with such care that a few of them were still intact nearly two centuries later. While Lewis and Clark failed to meet the mythological monsters reputed to well in the West, they did unearth the bones of a 45 - foot dinosaur. Furthermore, some of the living beasts they did come upon, such as the woolly mountain goat and the grizzly bear were every bit as odd or as fearsome as any myth. In their collector's enthusiasm, they even floated aprairie dog out of its burrow by pouring in five barrelfuls of water,then shipped the frisky animal to Jefferson alive and yelping.
Q: What does the passage mainly discuss?
A) President Jefferson' s pets.
B) Collector's techniques for capturing wildlife.
C) Jobs for trained naturalists.
D) Record newly discovered species of animals.
正确答案为C)。原文要讲述Mefiwether Lewis和William Clark在19世纪早期在北美探险时发现的一些以前所不熟悉的鸟、哺乳动物及爬行动物等。这在原文开头提到了,接着具体叙述他们探险时遇到各种动物时的情况。这是典型的中心句在句首的情况。
From the passage we know that______.
The first sentence in the passage tells us that________.
Shakespeare said that" some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. "So it is with leadership. Some men are born with capacity for leadership. Some acquire that art by watching and studying the actions of those around them. Other persons find themselves thrown into unusual situations which require them to draw on resources they never realized they had, and events bring out marked leadership. Most of us are never put to such tests. Most of us are not born leaders.
Q: At the beginning of the passage, Shakespeare's words are quoted
A)to make readers appreciate the writer's style
B)to show the writer's appreciation of Shakespeare's ideas
C) to stress the importance of good leadership
D)to help describe different kinds of leaders
"so it is"意思是"也一样",看出这里是类比关系,表明莎士比亚的话同样适用对领导才能的描述。莎翁提到3种不同的人,那么领导人也有至少3种类型,由此可知,作者引述这句话的目的在于描绘不同类型的领导,故正确选项是D)。
It can be inferred from the passage that________.
1t is implied in the passage that_______.
It is implied but not stated:_______.
Dialectic in this sense of the word has no other aim but to reduce to a regular system and collect and exhibit the arts which most men employ when they observe in a dispute , that Ruth is not on their side, and still attempt to gain the day. Hence, it would be very inexpedient to pay any regard to objective troth or its advancement in the science of Dialectic, since this is not done in that original and natural Dialectic, innate in men, where they strive for nothing but victory. The science of Dialectic, in one sense of the word, is mainly concerned to tabulate and analyze dishonest stratagems, in order that in a real debate they may be at once recognized and defeated. It is for this very reason that Dialectic must admittedly take victory, and not objective truth, for its aim and purpose...
QI: In the context of the selection, "dialectic" most probably means
A)the search for truth
B) an objective attitude toward reality
C)a philosophic acceptance of deficit
D) a system of logical thinking rules
Q2: The term " inexpedient" ( sentence 2) is likely to mean
A)innocent B) wise C) impractical D) efficient
Q3: When the author claims that the science of dialectic enables a person to "analyze dishonest stratagems", the term "stratagem" seems to mean
A) statistics B)devices C)attitudes D)gestures
Q4: When he implies that the desire to win is" innate in men," the author means that the urge is
A)natural B)vicious C)wrong D) theoretical
31 、It is implied that fifty years ago_______
A) eighty per cent of American working people were employed in factories
B) twenty per cent of American intellectuals were employees
C)the percentage of intellectuals in the total work force was almost the same as that of individual workers
D) the percentage of intellectuals working as employees was not so large as that of the industrial workers
What is the author's opinion?
How does the author feel about...?
Which of the following can best describe the style of the passage?
The deliberate violation of constituted law (civil disobedience )is never morally justified if the law being violated is not the prime target or focal point of the protest. While our government maintains the principle of the Constitution by providing methods for and protection of those engaged in individual or group dissent, the violation of law simply as a technique of demonstration constitutes rebellion.
Civil disobedience is by definition a violation of the law. The theory of civil disobedience recognizes that its actions, regardless of their justification, must be punished. However, disobedience of laws not the subject of dissent, but merely used to dramatize dissent, is regarded as morally as well as legally unacceptable. It is only with respect to those laws which offend the fundamental values of human life that moral defense of civil disobedience can be rationally supported.
For a just society to exist, the principle of tolerance must be accepted, both by the government in regard to properly expressed individual dissent and by the individual toward legally established majority verdicts. No individual has a monopoly on freedom and all must tolerate opposition. Dissenters must accept dissent from their dissent, diving it all the respect they claim for themselves. To disregard this principle is to make civil disobedience not only legally wrong but morally unjustifiable.
Q: According to the author,
A) the principle of tolerance must be accepted by both parties
B)civil disobedience cannot be accepted in a just society
C)in a just society, no individual tolerate opposition
D) many authorities respect dissent as necessary to the functioning of a free society
正确答案是A)。文中最后一段第一句正是作者表达的观点:容忍的原则要被双方接受才可。标志词是must be。像must be,should这类语气的词均表明了作者是完全支持这种观点的。
The word"…"means--.
By"…"the author means_______.
对于生词、难词,作者一定会在上下文中进行解释、说明或者用一个比较简单的词重复该词,因此这类题并不难做。如:1 would like your candid opinion。direct and truthful.direct和truthful都是对candid的重复说明,可以推断candid是坦诚的意思。又如:Tom is quite talkative.whereas his sister remains reticent all the time.whereas表示转折,因此可以得出reticent是talkative的反义词,"沉默寡言"之意。
The lorry had been ordered to arrive at the rest- house at seven- thirty for loading, and by eight - thirty we thought we should be well on the road. It was very apparent that we were new to Africa. At ten o' clock we were pacing round and round our mountain of luggage on the veranda, cursing and fuming impatiently, scanning the road for the truant lorry. At eleven o' clock a cloud of dust appeared on the horizon and in its midst,like a beetle in a whirlwind。was the lorry.It screeched to a halt below,and the driver dismounted.
Q1.Pacing means_______.
A)running B)walking impatiently
C)counting our steps D)sitting
本题正确答案是B)。文章开头谈到车子未按预定时间到达这一事实,作者使用了should be这样的虚拟语气,说明了作者初来乍到,加上大堆行李,因此等得极不耐烦。在这一语境下,B)项的意义更确切。
Q2:Fuming means_______.
A)angry B)smoking
C)waiting D)laughing
Q3:Scanning means______。
A)walking along B)standing beside
C)blaming D)looking at every part of
从这句话的上文和"scan for the lorry"这一短语可以判断他们是在张望要等的货车,故本题正确答案是D)。
Q4:Truant means_______.
A)that hadn't turned up B)broken-down
C)old-fashioned D)dig
Q5:Screeched to a halt means_______.
A)crashed B)stopped slowIy
C)stopped with a loud noise D)drove up to the door
Q6:Dismounted means________.
A)got out B)took the engine to pieces
C)opened the door D)drove away again
词汇题还包括了关于"it、they、one、that"等常见代词的指代问题的题目。在六级里,无论代词指代的是名词还是句子,都会包含名词在内,因此做这类题有一个小技巧就是找名词,在it的前面一个句子里面去找最近的那一个名词。比如:As families move away from their stable community,the informal flow of information is cut off。and with it the confidence that information will be available when needed and will be trustworthyand reliable.
这里距it最近的名词是the informal flow of information,可以知道it指代的句子一定与信息流动有关,而只有正确答案the breakdown of informal information channels中间包含非正式信息流的意思。