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1.Use a monolingual dictionary,but try not to use the dictionary too much.用英英词典,但不要过度使用。

2.Look for opportunities to use thelanguage in natural communication both inside and outside of class.无论课内课外,都要找机会在自然的交流中使用这种语言。

3.Compensate for your lack of linguistic ability by:occasionally using your native language,asking for help(repeat, clarify,slow down,give examples), guessing,using mime or gesture,anddescribing the concept for which you lack a word.通过偶尔使用母语、求助(重复、澄清、放慢语速、举例)、猜测、使用模仿或手势,描述无法找到恰当字词来表述的概念等手段来补偿语言能力的不足。

4.Don't be afraid to make mistakes.不要害怕出错。

5.Evaluate your own progress and work harder in the skills you are weaker.评估自己的进展情况,不足之处多加努力。

6.Hypothesize.Before you read a grammar rule,try to formulate it yourself by analyzing the examples.要做假设。学习语法规则前,通过分析例子,尝试阐明这一规则。

7.Don't pretend to understand whenyou don't.If you don't understand something,say so.不要不懂装懂。遇到不懂之处,说出来。

8.Be persistent,and don't give up easily.要坚持不懈,不轻易放弃。

9.Keep a language diary and record whatever you learn each day.用英语记日记并记录每天所学的内容。

10.Limit your expectations to those that are reasonable and attainable.Be patient.将期望限定在合理的、能够达到的范围之内。要有耐心。

11.Memorize creatively using images,rhymes, sounds,etc.利用形象、韵律、语音等进行创造性记忆。

12.Negotiate with your teachers when you want errors corrected.与老师磋商以便使错误得到纠正。

13.Open your mind and develop a positive attitude towards the native speakers and theirculture.开阔视野,培养对以外语为本族语的人及其文化的积极态度。

14.Praise yourself.进行自我表扬。

15.Quit making excuses.If you are not making improvements in the foreign language,before you blame your teacher or textbook,ask yourself if you are using the strategies of a good language learner.停止寻找借口。若外语学习没有进步,先不要责备老师不好或抱怨教材太差。问一问自己是否运用了优秀语言学习者的学习策略。

16.Relax before you go to class and before doing homework,and before taking tests.课前、做作业前或测试前要放松。

17.Form a study group,or study with a partner.组成学习小组或与伙伴一起学习。

18.Think aloud in English.用英语自言自语。

19.Examine your own language learning strategies, problems,successes,and preferences,and talk about them with other students.检查自己语言学习策略的得失、问题所在、成功之处、以及个人偏好,并与其他同学进行讨论。

20.Observe your classmates'language learning strategies and learn from them.注意观察同班同学的语言学习策略,向他们学习。

21.Review the materials you learn with a friend everyday.每天与朋友一起复习学过的材料。

22.Instead of memorizing grammar rules,make sentences to testyour understanding ofnew grammatical structures.与其记忆语法规则,不如造句以检验对新语法结构的理解。

23.Participate in class activities.积极参与课堂活动。

24.Make flash cards to learn new vocabulary.做卡片以学习新单词。

25.Write new vocabulary in a small notebook and carry it with you.将新单词记在小笔记本上以便携带。

26.Make sentences with the new words you learn.用所学新单词造句。

27.Speak with your classmates in English even if they know your native language.用英语与同学交流,即使他们懂你的母语。

28.While watching movies,or TV news and shows,or immediately afterwards,make notes of new vocabulary and idioms or expressions.Try to use these words in real contexts.看电影、电视新闻或电视节目时或随后,将新词汇、新习语或新表达方法记录下来并尝试在真实情境中应用。

29.Do not overuse close-captioned TV.不要过度依赖带详细字幕的电视节目。

30.When talking with a native speaker or watching a film,pay attention to how words are pronounced.与以英语为本族语的人交谈或看英文电影时,注意字词的发音。